A Handbook for Coding Cultures


A Handbook for Coding Cultures e’ un manuale che accompagna progetti e argomenti esplorati durante il simposio  "Coding Cultures"  e durante i  "Concept Lab" organizzati da d/Lux/MediaArts e il  Campbelltown Arts Centre (Sidney).

Sono stati invitati a scrivere per il manuale sei tra scrittrici, scrittori e gruppi dall’Australia, il Belgio, il Brasile, L’Inghilterra, l’Italia e Honk Kong. Le autrici e gli autori hanno condiviso le loro esperienze nell’ambito della creazione di strumenti digitali, social networks, open labs e piattaforme web.
Oltre ai testi commissionati il manuale contiene contributi da gruppi di artisti del Canada, Inghilterra e Jamaica.
Il manuale e’ stato stampato in tiratura limitata ma nel rispetto della libera circolazione dei saperi , e’ disponibile online gratuitamente.

A Handbook for Coding Cultures (in pdf) (3MB) (full version)

A Handbook for Coding Cultures (zipped ) (2.8MB) (full version)

E’ inoltre possibile scaricare i singoli articoli:

List of Contents :

Lisa Havilah (AUS) – Foreword – (PDF – 32 KB)

David Cranswick (AUS) – Preface – (PDF – 44 KB)

Francesca da Rimini (AUS)
Introduction: Archipelagos of open code and free culture
(PDF – 88 KB)

Ruth Catlow and Marc Garrett, Furtherfield (England)
Do It With Others (DIWO): contributory media in the Furtherfield Neighbourhood (PDF – 208 KB)

Maja Kuzmanovic and Nik Gaffney, (Belgium)
Open ended processes, open space technologies and open laboratories (PDF – 208 KB)

Andrew Lowenthal, (AUS)
Free Beer vs Free Media (PDF – 64 KB)

Leandro Fossá, (Brazil) in collaboraton with Claudio Prado (Brazil)
Digital Culture: The jump from the 19th to the 21st Century
(PDF – 720 KB)

Lam Oi Wan, (Hong Kong)
What is that Star? Media cultural action in the claiming of space
(PDF – 248 KB)

Agnese Trocchi (Italy)
Shivers of sharing (PDF – 364 KB)

Alice Angus and Giles Lane, Proboscis (UK)
Cultures of Listening (PDF – 504 KB)

mervin Jarman (Jamaica) in collaboration with Sonia Mills
mongrelstreet: the culture of codes (PDF – 488 KB)

Camille Turner (Canada)
Representing in Digital Space (PDF – 72 KB)

David S. Vadiveloo (AUS)
A time for empowerment or a new digital divide? (PDF – 44 KB)

Tallstoreez Productionz (AUS)
Returning the Gaze: the hero-project, how to join politics, youth empowerment and entertainment (PDF – 164 KB)

Christopher Saunders (AUS)
Big hART – a model for social and cultural change (PDF – 320 KB)

Lena Nahlous, Ben Hoh and Trey Thomas (aka MC Trey) (AUS)
A presentation about why ICE exists and how it works
(PDF – 136 KB)

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