Giovanna Dante’s CV and Bio

BIO: Expert in marine ecology and nature conservation, based in Rome (Italy). Giovanna Dante is PhDr on ecology and biological resources management and have done her University degree thesis in Australia (University of Queensland) studying a tropical reef fish.

Her research interest mainly focus on reduction of human impacts on marine ecosystem identifying proposals to manage and conserve marine areas in a sustainable way.

During her PhD she has done thematic GIS maps and collaborated with Amsterdam University (NL) to implement a Qualitative Reasoning Model to help communicate scientific concept to non-technical audiences.

She studies contemporary dance since 2000, now is studying to become expert in children movement education, is a SCUBA diver and loves sailing and travelling.

CV 2000-2012
LIFE+ – Nature and Biodiversity Expert (Evaluator), for marine and coastal habitat project 2006-2009, BIOSERVICE- s.c.r.l.-Marine management plan Expert to develop Management Strategies for a Marine Protected Site

2005-2007, AISC- Association-
Feasibility study of a project aimed at improving social and health conditions of a Cuban forest rural community– Rome, Italy

2002- 2007, AGRICONSULTING S.p.A.-
Coordination, Management Planning and Regulation identification for marine sites in the south of Italy;
-Realization of studies concerning wildlife, ecological aspects, identification of threats and management indication for marine and coastal sites
-Organization of seminar, workshops, conference and forum; planning of Environmental education activities; Updating website
-Technical evaluation of Nature conservation proposals
Realization of database (Microsoft Access) concerning protected invertebrates and vertebrates
-Management Plan, Regulation and Socio-economic Development Plan for a National Park (Puglia, Italy). Realization of the Park regulation, Park management guidelines and studies concerning fishery and ecological aspects of two coastal lagoons
-Realization of report on description, evaluation and management guidelines concerning the marine sites within National Park
-Technical evaluation of proposed project on protected area, management with particular emphasis on priority actions for marine environment and wetlands.
-Thematic maps processing
-Research on Italian Fisheries “Typical Products”

-Classroom tutor

2000-2001- LA MONTAGNA COOP.
-Educational trainer to school students through guided tours to various Protected Area in Italy and classroom lessons

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